Monday, April 30, 2007

"Your Story"

Link to Story a friend of my family wrote about her memories of the my time in Arizona.

also, you can link back to my old home page from there, to see more pics.


Anonymous said...

You honestly bring tears to my eyes. I hope you write a book about your story. You'll be inspiration to everyone who reads it.

Anonymous said...

I am inspired by your attitude of determination. My hubby 38 is a 7month GBM of the brain stem survivor. I believe with God's help is going to survive and thrive. I find very few survivors with yours and my husbands type of determination and zeal for life.
We have a website to keep our network informed.

iPatchMan said...

Thank you for your kind words. Jim's story is very inspirational, thanks for sharing it with me.
Just our of curiosity, how did you find my blog? i am alwasy interested to know how people find it.
all the best to you and Jim